Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Four more squares!

Hooray! This weekend I got married (well... In a public ceremony as opposed to the private one this summer) and I got four surprise wedding gifts:

This square was given to me in person by a member of my wedding party. Xena ParadoX (you know, like Zeno's Paradox) made this to represent the infinite number of half-distances a jammer has to cross before passing her.

She also gave me this, passed on through her from the fabulous Dee Claw.

When I got back from the reception (which was a Halloween-themed costume party at a roller rink) my mom gave me a package from the Queen City Roller Girls of Buffalo, NY. How amazing is this embroidery?

What a bad-ass weekend. Marriage, love, costumes, skating, fun, friendship, and quilt squares. Oh, and cake. Lots of cake.

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New contributions!

Thank you Wender Bender! These fabulous squares represent her league, her team, herself, and Roller Durance. Way to generate quilt squares, lady!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I have mail!

Apparently a package addressed to "Dreadnought" is sitting on the kitchen table. This will be the longest parent teacher night ever...

-- Post From My iPhone