Friday, March 5, 2010

Fresh Eddie Fresh version 2.0

Ladies and gentlemen, we have our first "quilt square do-over." Yes, even those of you who have made contributions in the past are always welcome to revise, edit, change, and otherwise re-submit your squares.To illustrate the point, one of my earliest contributors has shown that it it's possible to make a second square that is as keen as the first. 

It's been a while since I've gotten quilty goodness in the mail, so I sent out more inquiries to a long list of total strangers, distant acquaintances, and dear friends. It seems appropriate that the next phase of quilt packages and envelopes would come from one of the first quilt to donate: Fresh Eddie Fresh, New England ref and skater for Pioneer Valley Roller Derby's Dirty Dozen.

I probably should have known who this was before even reading the envelope. I mean, seriously, who else would send me something with this on the back? Opening it up also resulted in some fun goodies. In addition to his square, he also added some stickers that have already found their way onto my quilt storage boxes. Keep sending stickers, people. I love them as much as I did when I was nine.

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